Thursday, August 12, 2010

Some SOC-usage examples

Application and some sample writings.

The first one I told you I would get to you is the one you send with an INFO PACK. It is the one which Jordan Adler paraphrased on one of his calls. It is for people who are busy but want to grow their SOC business. You can cut and paste any of these examples into cards and modify as you see fit. You can also email me with your SOC ID# and the title of the card below and I will happily SHARE the campaign to you.
If you have found and developed other good business building cards/ideas, please pass them along so that everyone can benefit!

Title: Info Pack Card
Enclosed: INFO Pack
Usage: This goes into a standard 2 panel greeting card.

Hi First Name,

I think highly of you and for this reason I wanted to share this with you.

I consider you one of my extended team members and wanted us to continue to look for ways that I can help you expand your business.

In that light, I was hoping you would check out this service that I use every day. I found it to quickly help me build strong relationships and make sure the people in my life feel really valued and appreciated. Give me a call and let me know your thoughts.

Your Name
Your Phone Number


Title: Generic Business Facts
Enclosed: No Gift
Usage: This was designed to go to people who are in business for themselves and need some hard facts on why SOC is THE system to use. This goes into a tri-fold card.

Whether you are an Executive, a Realtor, a Hoover Vacuum Salesperson, a Dentist, a Public Speaker, a Loan Officer or a Hairdresser, Send Out Cards can boost your revenues, customer loyalty, retention and provide you with endless referrals.
FACT: People are more likely to use you if they remember you. People are more likely to remember you if you remember them and you make them feel important.
FACT: E-mails get deleted. Cards with Photos in them get saved and displayed
FACT: Customers that know you appreciate them will pay more for your product or service AND they will remain loyal.
FACT: Customers will refer people to you when your name is the 1st to come to mind when a Friend, Relative or Associate is looking for someone in your field.

FACT: A well maintained Network of only 100 people can lead to millions of dollars in business over time. Each person can connect you to over 250 people . . . that's 25,000 potential connections (if they like you and trust you, you will get referrals).
FACT: You can completely differentiate yourself from your competition by following a simple inexpensive plan that takes less than 5 minutes per day.

Real life Example: Today, I needed an alarm person. If someone from an alarm company had been sending me 2 personal cards per year, I would have called them.
On Monday, I needed a Jeep Service Repair Person... If someone from a shop had been sending me 2 personal cards per year, I would have called them.

Do you get the picture? No one does this. 1 out of 250 business people send cards expressing appreciation for their customers' business. Just by sending one thank you card, you put yourself in the top 250 in your field. Put your picture in it and you are now in the top 1/2 of 1% of all business people. There are obviously other things that impact who gets the business, but it takes more than just being good.
There are lots of good service providers. You must be REMEMBERED and you must EXPRESS APPRECIATION on an ongoing basis.. IN A PERSONAL WAY!
Lets chat soon.
Your Name


Title: GAW Reconnect
Enclosed: DVD
Usage: To reconnect with people who have done a Gift Account Walk-Thru or anyone who has been introduced to SOC but didn’t sign up. This goes into a standard 2 panel greeting card.

Hi First Name,

It's been a little while since you checked out SendOutCards. Since some ideas take a while to germinate, and some great new features have been added to our service, I thought it would be a good time to touch base again.

Call me as soon as you get this. I want to make sure you got the card and DVD.

Warmest regards,

Your Name/Number

Industry specific examples are coming soon. It takes me time to either write them or find them. Use the above to start growing your business today.

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