If you want to be successful here is a little tip. I’ve learned this from both firsthand and secondhand observation. I apply it in all of my going concerns.
Let’s start with a simple stupid example. Not for your sake but because it’s Monday morning and it’s for my sake.
You know HOW to wash your car. You know that your end product is a clean car. But let’s say you go and try it differently. Let’s say you’re NOT too sure about how to wash a car or you want to “be different” but you know everyone else uses soft cloths or mittens, but you take some nice 40 grit sand paper and decide to give it a nice rub down.
Obviously, you would end up with a very expensive mistake or suffer the looks when you drive down the street and when you pull up to stop-lights. And your parents may think you are on drugs the next time you go and see them.
But really, YOU know how to wash a car. So why change what you already know? You wouldn’t. Why try to venture off into the unknown … at YOUR expense (if you’ve got a grant to waste money exploring something that may or may not work then more power to ya ...).
So you’ve probably heard this already. (Insert puns and commonly used clichés here):
If you want to be successful, do what successful people do.
Let’s not reinvent the wheel.
Ok, this may sound boring but if it works why change it? If it isn’t broke why fix it? Puns aside now. I had to get them out.
You just take what was successful, what won and you push that in. And anything which was done which didn’t directly influence or contribute to that is stopped. So monitor your progress.
This is how you monitor your progress. You keep statistics. A statistic is a numerical value which represents some sort of action or production as it relates to an earlier time. The most common is a weekly statistic but you can have daily ones. Hence: The Daily 8.
The Daily 8 are your sub-products, which is to say, you do enough sub products and you will get your end or final PRODUCTS.
You call enough people and you will get some sales. You send out enough cards and this will elicit some interest just based on sheer numbers of cards sent.
Go to the TheDaily8.com and start reading. Click here to download the Daily 8 scorecard. This will help you keep track of things. Your weekly statistic based on this scorecard is “# of Daily 8 points per week”. If you wish to keep another statistic, you can keep “gross income”. You can apply this to EVERY business or action.
And later on after you’ve gotten to know the system, you are using it, you have copied someone successful in it and are winning, THEN you can make modifications as you see fit to IMPROVE your business.
Make changes like this: Only change 1 thing at a time. Then monitor statistics. There will be improvement, decline or no change. You want improvements only. So then you add another thing. If you see a decline, stop THAT thing and revert to only the SUCCESSFUL things, and so forth, adding in other changes and thereby finding improvements. Anything which you begin to do consistently which results in your statistic increasing is categorized as “successful” action. You use these and give them to your downline to do.
And later on you will have your OWN judgment on how to do things. In the beginning just as with everything, you looked to others on how to do things. Some things you just jumped in on and learned but other things you learned from others. This is why you can go out and buy 100 “How-to” books all on the same subject. Everyone has a different perspective and understanding of the game.
So find people in YOUR industry that are winning or have won – you know, the people that are successful and then DO what they do.
Then when you start being successful yourself, refine it to your own style but don’t abandon anything that’s successful.
Don’t be afraid to fail. Actually, I don’t really believe in failure. I believe people can give up, but it was their choice. You can always win with the right balance of knowing and doing. Don’t think that because you read the latest motivational book that it’s all downhill from there. Building any business takes some time, blood, sweat and tears. If you want a silver spoon to feed you through some miracle, play the lottery. But don’t hold your breath.
Successful people aren’t lazy people. Don’t be afraid to have some set-backs. You can ALWAYS learn from these and come out smarter and stronger.
Do the things that are successful, take the steps, the actions, learn to communicate, learn your product and then win with it.
To your success!
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